Importance of a Pap Smear Test to Avoid Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer has become a prominent disease in women, and many don’t even get to know about it until it becomes problematic. But, with the regular test, you can avoid this problem. Pap Smear Test is one such test which is used to detect the presence of this disease.
What is a Pap Smear Test?
Pap Smear Test or Pap test is a procedure to detect cervical cancer. It takes some cells from one’s cervix and tests to detect if it has some abnormal growth that may cause cancer in the future. The process may be uncomfortable at first, but it is very important to diagnose cervical cancer or any other cervical infection. It identifies the precancerous cells in one’s cervix before it is too late.
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Pap Smear Test |
Who can take this test?
Pap Smear Test is recommended for every woman out there. A woman should undergo this test once every three years starting from their puberty. Every woman has different types of bodies; some are prone to get infected easily, so taking precautions is very important to lead a healthy life.
Women, who have a low immunity system or HIV-positive or any organ transplant, must take this test rapidly. If a woman above 40 does not have any abnormal growth in any Pap Smear Test, they can do it every five years, and after 60, they can stop testing. The growth of abnormal cells in the cervix region does not depend on anyone's sexual activities.
Sometimes, the HPV test (Human Papilloma Virus) is also done along with a Pap Smear Test. Someone with HPV has a higher chance of getting affected by cervical cancer.
So, every woman regardless of their age or sexual activity, should undergo Pap Smear Test to avoid major health issues.
Does sexual intimacy increase the risk of getting infected?
Mostly, the HPV virus is transmitted through sexual acts. That is why having pre-mature or unsafe sex can be dangerous for our health. But cervical cancer is not always caused by the HPV virus. Many things can infect us and generate abnormal tissues in our cervix.
What are the things we should keep in mind before going for a Pap Smear Test?
If you are going for Pap test, then its always advisable to get it done from your regular gynaecologist. This test involves removal of some cells from one’s cervix area and tests them to detect any abnormal growth. This process is a bit painful and uncomfortable. The procedure is easier if the medical representative is known to us because one needs to get relaxed during the test. Deep breathing can also help to make the body calm.
A Pap test cannot be done during one’s menstruation. Engaging in any sexual activity before the test can also tamper the results.
Read more: 8 Types of Biopsy Test
What is a normal Pap smear?
After undergoing a Pap Smear Test, one can get two types of results. One is normal, and the other is abnormal. A normal or negative Pap smear result means, the person has no unusual growth in their cervix region and they are risk-free for now. But this is not the final result. They should do the test again after three years.
What is abnormal Pap smear?
When some abnormal tissue growth is found after the Pap Smear Test, the result shows abnormal Pap smear. Having an abnormal result does not mean that the person has cancer. It just indicates that one has some unusual growth in the cervix area. There are different types of abnormal tissues, most of which are mild abnormal cells. In cases of major abnormality, the doctor diagnoses the cervix closely and if needed biopsy test is recommended.
Is the Pap Smear Test important for women?
A woman’s body is more fragile than a man’s. That is why taking extra care is essential to keep the body fit and healthy. Pap Smear Test reduces 80% risk of cervical cancer in women. The test results are highly accurate and help one to protect their body. Hence, its always good to get the Pap Smear Test done at regular interval.